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Refereed journal articles:
- 1. Vidybida A.K. Thermodynamic limit in perturbation theory for
solutions of Bogolubov kinetic equations. Doklady AN USSR, 1975,
6, p.541-544. (Kyiv)
- 2. Vidybida A.K. Cauchy problem for the chain of Bogolubov
kinetic equations. The BKS model. Teoreticheskaja i matematicheskaja
fizika (TMF), 1975, v.25, p.49-59. (Moscow).
English translation:
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics(TMPh), 1975, Vol.25,1, p.971-978,
Plenum Publishing Corporation, N.Y.
- 3. Petrina D.Ja. Vidybida A.K. Cauchy problem for Bogolubov
equations chain. Trudy MI AN SSSR, v.136,II, p.370-379. (Moscow)
English translation: in "Soviet Mathematics - Trudy"
- 4. Petrina D.Ja., Vidybida A.K. Cauchy problem for Bogolubov equations
chain. Doklady AN SSSR, 1976, v. 228, p.573-575. (Moscow)
English translation: Soviet Physics - Doklady(SPh-D), 1976,
Vol.21, p.259-260, Plenum Publishing Corporation, N.Y.
- 5. Vidybida A.K. On solutions of the chain of Bogolubov kinetic
equations. Doklady AN SSSR, 1976, v.231, p.575-577.
translation: SPh-D, 1976, Vol.21, p.634-635.
- 6. Vidybida A.K. On Bogolubov equation solution. Classical statistics.
TMF, 1977, v.30, p.48-56.
English translation: TMPh, 1977,
Vol.30,1, p.29-35.
- 7. Vidybida A.K. Local perturbation for translation-invariant
solutions of Bogolubov equations. TMF, 1978, v.34, p.99-108.
English translation: TMPh, 1978, Vol.34,1, p.62-69.
- 8. Vidybida A.K. Cauchy problem for Bogolubov hierarchy.One
dimensional quantum lattice systems. TMF, 1979, v.34, p.353- 358.
English translation: TMPh, 1979, Vol.39,3, p.511-515.
- 9. Vidybida A.K. On Bogolubov hierarchy for one-dimensional system of
particles with a hard core. TMF, 1981, v.48, p.236- 248.
translation: TMPh, 1981, Vol.48,2, p.721-729.
- 10. Vidybida A.K., Serikov A.A.
Electrophoresis by alternating field in non-Newtonian fluid.
Phys. Lett., 1985, v.108A, p.170-172.
- 11. Vidybida A.K., Serikov A.A.
Electrophoresis by alternating field in non-Newtonian fluid.
Doklady AN USSR, 1985, 11, p.47-49. (Kyiv)
- 12. Vidybida A.K., Serikov A.A. Directed drift of dispersed particles
by homogeneous alternating electric field. Kolloidny Jurnal, 1986,
v.48, p.202-203. (Moscow)
English translation: Colloid Journal
(CJ), 1986, Vol.48, Plenum Publishing Corporation, N.Y.
- 13. Vidybida A.K. Operator of evolution for Bogolubov hierarchy.
Lattice systems. TMF, 1986, v.68, p.69-87.
English translation:
TMPh, 1986, Vol.68,1, p.681-694.
- 14. Vidybida A.K. Periodic electric field as a biopolymer conformation
switch. Doklady AN USSR, 1986, 8, p.51-53. (Kyiv)
- 15. Vidybida A.K.
Modification of the potential function of a
mechanical system caused by periodic action.
Doklady AN SSSR, 1987, v.292, p.1341-1345.
( PDF).
English translation: Soviet physics. Doklady, 1987, Vol.32,
- 16. Vidybida A.K.
Modification of the potential function of a
mechanical system caused by periodic action.
Acta Mechanica, 1987, v.67, p.183-190. (Vienna)
- 17. Dukhin S.S., Vidybida A.K., Dukhin A.S. et al.Aperiodical
electrophoresis. Directed drift of dispersed particles in homogeneous
alternating non-harmonic electric field. Kolloidny Jurnal,
1987,v.49, p.853- 856.
English translation: CJ, 1987, Vol.49,5,
- 18. Vidybida A.K., Serikov A.A. Drift of charged particles in non
Newtonian fluid caused by periodic electric field. Kolloidny Jurnal,
1988, v.50, p.347-350.
English translation: CJ, 1988, Vol.50,2,
- 19. Andruschenko A.P., Vidybida A.K. Control of internal rotation in
molecular-scale objects by alternating space-homogeneous electric
field. Automation, 1988, 5, p.58-61. (Kyiv)
English translation:
Soviet Journal of Automation and Information Science, 1988, Scripta
Technica, Wiley, N.Y.
Scopus DB,
- 20. Vidybida A.K.Periodic electric field as a biopolymer conformation
switch: a possible mechanism. Europ.Biophys.Journ., 1989, v.16,
p.357-361. ( PDF).
- 21. Vidybida A.K. Periodic electric field as a possible switch of a
biopolymer conformations. Biofizika, 1989, v.34, 2, p.205-209. (Mos-
English translation: Biophysics(?), Pergamon Press.
- 22. Vidybida A.K., Dukhin S.S., Dubyaga V.P. Reverse microfiltration.
Khimiya i technologiya vody, 1991, v.13, 3, p.201- 212. (Kyiv)
English translation: Soviet Journal of Water Chemistry and
Technology, 1991, Vol.13,3, Allerton Press Inc., N.Y.
- 23. Vidybida A.K. Selectivity and sensitivity of a bistable chemical
system in the presence of thermal noise. Revue Roumaine de Biochimie,
1991,v.28,p.185-196. (Bucharest).
- 24. Vidybida A.K.
Selectivity and sensitivity improvement in
cooperative system with a threshold in the presence of thermal noise.
Journ. theor. Biol.,Vol 152, No 2, 1991, p.159-165. ( PDF).
- 25. Vidybida A.K.
Selectivity and sensitivity improvement in
cooperative system with a threshold in the presence of thermal noise.
Biofizika, Vol 37, 2, 1992, p.374-377.
English translation: Biophysics(?), Pergamon Press.
- 26. Ulberg Z.R.,Karamushka V.I.,Vidybida A.K. et al. Interaction of
energized bacteria cells with particles of colloidal gold:
peculiarities and kinetic model of the process. Biochimica et
Biophyzica Acta, 1134, 1992, p.89-95, Elsevier Science Publishers.
- 27. Vidybida A.K. Selectivity and sensitivity of a cooperative system
in the presence of thermal noise. Ukrainian J. Physics, Vol.38,
No.3, 1993, p.470-480.(Ukrainian)
- 28. Vidybida A.K. Estimation of possible selectivity and sensitivity of
a cooperative system to low-intensive microwave radiation. Physica A,
Vol.221, No.1-3, 1995, p.30-40 PDF
- 29. Vidybida A.K. Estimation of possible selectivity and sensitivity of
a cooperative system to low-intensive microwave radiation. Physics of
the alive, Vol.3, No.1, 1995, p.38-39 PDF
- 30. Vidybida A.K. Neuron as time coherence detector during stimulation
from multiple synaptic inputs. J.Physiology(Kyiv), Vol.41, No.3-4,
1995, p.20-28.(Ukrainian)
- 31. Vidybida A.K. Neuron as time coherence discriminator. Biological
Cybernetics, 74(6), 1996, 539-544 PDF
- 32. Vidybida A.K. Inhibition as binding controller at the single neuron
level. Proc.Natn.Acad.Sci. Ukraine, 1996, 10, p.161-164.(Ukrainian)
- 33. Vidybida A.K. Inhibition as binding controller at the single
neuron level. BioSystems, Vol. 48, 1998, p. 263-267 PDF
- 34. Vidybida A.K.
Cooperative mechanism for improving discriminating
ability in chemoreceptor neurons.Binomial case. Ukrainian J. Physics,
Vol. 44(3), 1999, 407-411.(Ukrainian)
- 35. Vidybida A.K. Cooperative mechanism for improving discriminating
ability in chemoreceptor neuron. Biological Cybernetics, Vol. 81(5/6),
1999, 469-473 PDF
- 36. Vidybida A.K. Selectivity of chemoreceptor neuron. BioSystems,
58(1-3), 2000, 125-132 PDF
- 37. Vidybida A.K., V. Erkizan, O. Altungoz, G. Celebi. Testing of
nonlinear electrofrictiophoresis in agarose gel. Bioelectrochemistry,
52(1), 2000, 91-101.
- 38. Відибіда О.К., В.Еркiзан, О.Алтунгоз, Г.Челебi. Дослідження ефектів
нелінійної диссипації при електрофорезі макромолекул в агарозному
гелі. Фізика Живого, 9(1), 2001, 45--57.
- 39. Відибіда О.К. Шум адсорбції-десорбції як засіб підвищення
селективності хімічних сенсорів. УФЖ, 48(7), 2003, 708--713.
- 40. Vidybida A.K. Computer simulation of inhibition-dependent binding
in a neural network. BioSystems, 71, 2003, 205--212. PDF
- 41. Vidybida A.K. Adsorption-desorption noise can be used for improving
selectivity. Sensors and Actuators A, 107, 2003, 233--237 PDF
- 42. Vidybida A.K., Usenko A.S., Kukla A.L.,
Pavluchenko A.S., Posudievsky O.Yu., Pokhodenko V.D. Structural characteristics of gas sensor based on conducting polymer.
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 7(6), 2005, 2815-2822 PDF
- 43. Відибіда О.К., О. С. Усенко, О. Л. Кукла, О. С. Павлюченкоo, О. Ю. Посудієвський, В. Д. Походенко. Характеристики сенсора на основі поліаніліну в стехіометрії (1<-->4). Сенсорна електроніка і мікросистемні технології т.4, 2006, 67-75
- 44. Vidybida A.K. Input-output relations in binding neuron. BioSystems , v.89, 2007, 160--165
- 45. Відибіда О.К. Вихідний потік зв'язуючого нейрона.
Укр. Мат. Ж. , 59(12), 2007, 1619-1638 PDF
- 46. Vidybida A.K. Output stream of a binding neuron. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, Springer US, vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 1819-1839 (2008)
- 47. Vidybida A.K. Output stream of binding neuron with instantaneous feedback. Eur. Phys. J. B 65, 577-584 (2008) PDF
- 48. Vidybida A.K., Usenko A.S., Rospars J.P. Selectivity improvement in
a model of olfactory receptor neuron with adsorption-desorption noise.
Journal of Biological Systems 16(4), pp. 531545 (2008)
- 49. Vidybida A.K. and K.G. Kravchuk. Output stream of binding neuron with delayed feedback. Eur. Phys. J. B 72, 279-287 (2009)
- 50. Vidybida A.K. Testing of information condensation in a model reverberating spiking neural network. International Journal of Neural Systems, Vol. 21, No. 3 (2011) 187-198
- 51. Vidybida A.K. and K.G.Kravchuk. Delayed feedback makes neuronal firing statistics non-Markovian. Ukr. Math. J., 64(12), 2012, 1587-1609
- 52. Vidybida A.K. and K.G.Kravchuk. Spiking statistics of excitatory neuron with feedback. International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence, (IGI Global), v 3(2), 2012, 1-42.
- 53. Vidybida A.K. and K.G.Kravchuk. Delayed feedback makes neuronal firing statistics non-Markovian. Ukr. Math. J.(Springer), v 64(12), 2013, 1793-1815
PDF (Purchase on
- 54. Vidybida A.K. and K.G.Kravchuk. Firing statistics of inhibitory neuron with delayed feedback. I. Output ISI probability density. BioSystems 112(3), 2013, 224–232
- 55. Kravchuk K.G. and Vidybida A.K. Firing statistics of inhibitory neuron with delayed feedback. II: Non-Markovian behavior. BioSystems 112(3), 2013, 233–248
- 56. Kravchuk K.G. and Vidybida A.K. Non-Markovian spiking statistics of a neuron with delayed feedback in presence of refractoriness.
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 11(1), 2014, 81–104
- 57. Vidybida A.K. Output stream of leaky integrate-and-fire neuron.
Reports of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, 2014, 12, pp. 18–23
- 58. Vidybida A.K. Activity of Excitatory Neuron with Delayed Feedback Stimulated with Poisson Stream is Non-Markov. Journal of Statistical
Physics, 160, (2015), 1507-1518
- 59. Vidybida A.K. Relation Between Firing Statistics of Spiking Neuron with Instantaneous Feedback and Without Feedback.
Fluctuation and Noise Letters 14(4):1550034 (2015)
- 60. Vidybida A.K. Output stream of leaky integrate-and-fire neuron without diffusion approximation
J Stat Phys, 166(2), 267-281 (2017)
- 61. Vidybida A.K. and O.Shchur. Information reduction in a reverberatory neuronal network through convergence to complex oscillatory firing patterns. BioSystems, 161, 24-30 (2017)
- 62. Vidybida A.K. and O.Shchur.
Relation Between Firing Statistics of Spiking Neuron with Delayed Fast Inhibitory Feedback and Without Feedback. Fluctuation and Noise Letters,
17(1) 1850005 (2018)
- 63. Vidybida A.K. Fast Cl-type inhibitory neuron with delayed feedback has non-Markov output statistics.
Journal of Physical Studies, 22(4) 4801 (2018)
- 64. Vidybida A.K. Simulating leaky integrate-and-fire neuron with integers. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 159, 154-160 (2019)
- 65. Vidybida A.K.Possible Stochastic Mechanism for Improving
the Selectivity of Olfactory Projection Neurons,
Neurophysiology, Vol. 51, No. 3, May, 2019
- 66. Vidybida A.K.
Calculating Permutation Entropy without Permutations.
Complexity 2020:7163254 (2020)
- 67. Vidybida A.K. and O.Shchur.
Ukr. J. Phys. 2021. Vol. 66, No. 3
- 68. A.K.Vidybida.
Harnessing thermal fluctuations for selectivity gain,
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN), 2022, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.1109/ISOEN54820.2022.9789678.
- 69. A.Vidybida and O.Shchur.
From chaos to clock in recurrent neural net. Case study.
BioSystems 220 (2022) 104739
- 70. O.Shchur and A.Vidybida.
Distribution of Interspike Intervals of a Neuron with Inhibitory Autapse Stimulated with a Renewal Process. Fluctuation and Noise Letters 2023 22:01, doi: 10.1142/S0219477523500037.
- 71. O.K.Vidybida.
Maximization of the olfactory receptor neuron selectivity in the sub-threshold regime. Ukr. J. Phys. 68, No. 4, 266 (2023)
- 72. A.K.Vidybida.
Selectivity Gain in Olfactory Receptor Neuron at Optimal Odor Concentration,
in: 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN) :1-3 (2024), DOI: 10.1109/ISOEN61239.2024.10556323.
Book chapters:
- Vidybida A.K. and K.G. Kravchuk. Output stream of binding neuron with
feedback. In: J.Jozefchyk and D.Orsky (eds.) Knowledge-based Intelligent System Advancements: Systemic and Cybernetic Approaches, Chapter 10, pp. 182-215, IGI Global (USA), 2010
- Vidybida A.K. Binding neuron. In: Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (ed). Encyclopedia of information science and technology, Third Edition, IGI Global, Hershey PA, 2014, pp. 1123--1134
Published proceedings:
- Vidybida A.K., Serikov A.A. Spectral characteristics of a charge
transport in helical macromolecules. In book: Spectroscopy of condensed
matter, Naukova Dumka, Kyiv, 1988, p.142-150.(Russian)
- Vidybida A.K. Sensitivity estimation of a bistable chemical system
to microwave radiation of non-thermal intensity. In book:"Apparatus
"ELEKTRONIKA-KVCh" and its application in medicine", editor:
L.G.Gassanov, NPO "Saturn", Moscow, 1991, p.58-61.(Russian)
- Vidybida A.K. Hypersensitivity of a cooperative system to
low-intensive microwaves at physiological temperature. In book:
"Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, 2nd Copenhagen Conference", 1995,
- Vidybida A.K. Information processing in a pyramidal-type neuron.
In: "BioNet'96 - Biologieorientierte Informatik und pulspropagierende
Netze", 3-d Workshop 14-15 Nov. 1996, p.96-99. Editor G. Heinz,
GFaI-Berlin 1996, ISBN 3-00-001107-2.
- Vidybida A.K. Inhibition as binding controller at the level of a single
neuron (Information processing in a pyramidal-type neuron). In: "De la
Cellule au Cerveau", G. Zaccai, J. Massouli\'e and F. David, eds., Les
Houches, Session 65,
8 Juillet - 26 Juillet 1996, Elsevier 1998.
p. 219-226, ISBN: 0444500863.
- Vidybida A.K. Cooperative mechanism for improving discriminating ability
in chemoreceptor neuron and other sensory devices. In: ``Optoelectronic
Information Technologies" - S.V.Svechnikov, V.P.Kojemiako,
S.Al.Kostyukevich, Editors. Proceedings of SPIE, v.4424, 2001, p.
177-182, ISBN 0277-786X, ISBN 0-8194-4136-8.
- Vidybida A.K. Output stream of binding neuron with delayed feedback. In: 14th International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems of WOSC, Wroclaw, September 9-12, 2008, Proceedings, p. 292-302 PDF
- Відибіда О.К., О.Л.Кукла, О.С.Павлюченко, Ю.М.Ширшов. Хімічний сенсор для аналізу складу газових сумішей. Деклараційний патент на винахід,
Україна, 63780 А, 15.01.2004. Бюл.No 1 PNG
- A.K.Vidybida. Stochastic Models, 2006, ISBN 966-02-3882-7
( Book, 2006)
Dynamical mechanisms of influence of alternative electromagnetic
fields on macromolecular and cooperative systems, 1999