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- A.K.Vidybida.
Output stream of binding neuron with delayed feedback.
In: 14th International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems of WOSC, Wroclaw, September 9-12, 2008, Proceedings, p. 292-302, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej, ISBN 978-83-7493-400-8
Abstract. A binding neuron (BN) whith delayed feedback is considered. The neuron is fed externally with a Poisson stream of intensity $\lambda$. The neuron's output spikes are fed into its input with time delay $\Delta$. The resulting output stream of the BN is not Poissonian, and we look for its interspike intervals (ISI) distribution. For BN with threshold 2 an exact mathematical expression as function of $\lambda$, $\Delta$ and BN's internal memory, $\tau$ is derived for the ISI distribution, and for higher thresholds it is found numerically. The distributions found are characterized with discontinuities of jump type, and include singularity of Dirac's $\delta$-function type.
It is concluded that delayed feedback presence can radically alter neuronal output firing statistics.